Monday, June 7, 2010

No news...

Not that Freddie isn't constantly being cute and fluffy and sweet in all kinds of wonderful ways, but I've been busy with the end of the girls' school year and I just got back from taking Brianna's Girl Scout troop on their final camping trip.  (The troop is disbanding this summer.)  Anyway, it's amazing how much you can miss a kitten's midnight visits when you're away from home.  I don't know what the collective noun is for "true katydids" (an "obnoxion" sounds about right), but I was awake for most of the night listening to katydids calling out their version of "Hey, Baaaaaby" and missed my Freddie.

Last night, I was hoping for a good night's sleep but Frederica apparently missed me, too.  She spent a good portion of the night rearranging herself on top of me and purring loudly so as to wake me up so I'd pet her.  I spent the day at home today (Christine was sick) and Freddie hovered around me, napping within reach.

More photos and entries to come... at the moment I'm pooped from dealing with 500+ camping trip photos... such as the one below, taken right after we finished a zipline tour (Bri is on the right):

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