Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An idea is born

One day in the fall, I picked up Brianna from school and asked, "So, Frederica, how was your day?" To which Brianna responded, "Mom, you didn't name me Frederica... you didn't name ANY OF US Frederica!" In the conversation that ensued it was suggested that I needed to adopt a kitten and name it Frederica.

Dean, our occasional voice of reason (a.k.a. party pooper), said "No!" The girls (mostly Christine) badgered him incessantly. As Christmas time approached, the girls asked what gift I wanted most. My response was always a dreamy "A kitten named Frederica," followed by a hopeful sigh.

Christmas morning arrived and there was a big box under the tree with my name on it. I joked with the girls that they'd better not shake it because there was undoubtedly a kitten in there. I was close: inside was a handmade wooden frame containing a certificate from Dean entitling me to add one feline named Frederica to our household.

So, here she is...

1 comment:

  1. Awsome blogmom. I can't wait to see what you put on it next.

    heres a puzzle:
    what is the same as 2x85 & 3x57?

